Jonathan is internationally known for his work in aesthetic and reconstructive craniofacial surgery. He is a leading voice in the field and has contributed much through academic and published work.
The speciality of craniofacial surgery uses operative techniques which cross from the skull and into the face and are used to correct major developmental syndromes of the head and face such as Crouzon Syndrome, Treacher Collins Syndrome, craniofacial cancers and Plagiocephaly.
Specialist craniofacial techniques often form part of larger integrated programmes of care from birth to maturity. This broad approach has given Jonathan a deep understanding of the long-term, life-enhancing impact of surgery and has rewarded him with many lasting relationships with patients and families – a privileged combination of the highly technical, with the highly personal relationships of family general practice.
‘Facing the World’ is a pioneering charity advocating and supporting the craniofacial care of disadvantaged children from around the globe. The craniopagus twins, Rital and Ritag, divided in a series of operations by the craniofacial care team at Great Ormond Street Hospital, were provided their care by the financial and clinical support of the Facing the World team. The news was widely covered in the media and in international professional conferences, where the clinical experience and planning were shared with other teams.
‘Craniopagus Twins – building on a staged approach to separation’
Presented variously by the authors at:
Paris is the modern birthplace of craniofacial surgery, and this unit, now led by Dr Eric Arnaud, President of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery, was founded by Dr Daniel Marchac.
Dr Marchac, a true pioneer of craniofacial surgery, trained both Dr Arnaud and Mr Jonathan Britto as Fellows in the latter part of their craniofacial apprenticeship, prior to their each assuming consultant responsibility. Jonathan Britto currently holds a visiting position in Paris and works with the Necker team.
The craniofacial programme at ‘Sick Kids’ Toronto, Canada, is the biggest in the North Americas, and provides excellence in craniofacial care and research. Jonathan Britto was craniofacial fellow for a year in 2003-4 prior to his consultant appointment in the UK.
He was delighted to have been invited back as the Vale Visiting Professor to the department in the Summer of 2014.
The craniofacial unit at ‘GOS’ is one of the four UK designated centres in craniofacial surgery, providing UK and international craniofacial care under the benchmark auspices of NHS England. Jonathan Britto began his craniofacial training as Fellow to the unit in the late 1990’s, and was later appointed to an Honorary consultancy in 2006, before taking up a substantive consultant post in 2008 in conjunction with his consultancy in the Transitional and Adult Craniofacial Service at University College Hospitals.